Pre-Tryout Clinics & Rep Team Tryouts - 2025-26 Season
Schedules are now posted for our Pre-Tryout Clinics and Rep Team Tryouts for the upcoming season!
Registration for Rep Tryouts includes access to the 4-week Pre-Tryout Clinics. While clinic attendance is optional, it is included in your tryout fee.
As per OWHA policy, registration for the 2025-26 season opens on March 25, 2025. All players must register online before attending any clinics or tryout sessions through the RAMP registration portal.
Register here: Orillia Girls Hockey Association : RAMP Registrations
Before registering for tryouts all players and families should review the OGHA Tryout Policy: Tryout Policy
and the OGHA Formation of Rep Teams Policy: Formation of Rep Teams
Any player attending from an association other than the Orillia Hawks must bring with them to the first tryout a completed OWHA Permission to Skate Form signed by their current OWHA Association.
Pre-Tryout Clinic Schedule
Sunday, March 30th 7:00PM
Sunday, April 6th 8:00AM
Sunday, April 13th 10:00AM
Saturday, April 26th 7:00PM
Sunday, March 30th 8:00PM
Sunday, April 6th 9:00AM
Sunday, April 13th 11:00AM
Saturday, April 26th 8:00PM
Sunday, March 30th 9:00PM
Sunday, April 6th 10:00AM
Sunday, April 13th 12:00PM
Saturday, April 26th 9:00PM
Sunday, March 30th 10:00PM
Sunday, April 6th 11:00AM
Sunday, April 13th 1:00PM
Saturday, April 26th 10:00PM
Rep Team Tryout Schedule
Sunday, May 4th 7:00AM
Sunday, May 4th 12:40PM
Sunday, May 11th 6:00PM (Final)
Saturday, May 3rd 4:00PM
Sunday, May 4th 8:00AM
Thursday, Mary 8th 7:00PM (Final)
Saturday, May 3rd 5:00PM
Sunday, May 4th 9:00AM
Thursday, May 8th 8:00PM (Final)
Saturday, May 3rd 6:00PM
Sunday May 4th 10:00AM
Thursday, May 8th 9:00PM (Final)
Saturday, May 10th 10:00AM
Sunday, May 11th 7:00PM (Final)
Saturday, May 3rd 7:00PM
Sunday, May 4th 11:00AM
Thursday, May 8th 10:00pm (Final)
Saturday, May 10th 11:00AM
Sunday, May 11th 8:00PM (Final)