OGHA Volunteer Board Opportunities

May. 01, 2023

OGHA Board Opportunities


Interested in assisting with the development of girls hockey in Orillia? This is a great place to start!


With the 2022-2023 coming to a close, we have a large amount of our board looking to ‘Retire’ - for a lack of better terms. Many of these individuals have served on the board for multiple years and have contributed to the success of the Orillia Girls Hockey Association. We hope you’ll do the same! 


The following positions will be available to interview for or to be appointed;


Vice President

Treasurer (Appointed position)


Director of House League

Ice and Game Official Scheduler

Communications Director

Tournament Director



All of these positions will have the contact information for the current board and will be provided the resources required to have a successful season. Current positions will act as advisory positions until the transition is completed - no one will be left stranded!


All parents are encouraged to consider these opportunities - coaches & team managers included. Looking forward to growing girls hockey in the Orillia area!


Respect All, Fear None

Go Hawks Go!



Board Descriptions:




Vice President

i) Act for the President as requested or required due to absence or incapacity

ii) Act as signatory for OGHA authorized cheques

iii) Maintain the Orillia Hawks designated Trophy Case at the Orillia Rotary Place

iv) Act as the Association’s Public Relations representative

V) Works closely with the President and Registrar/league Liaison in dealing with team issues

Vi) Shall function as the Development Coordinator

vii) Will coordinate and execute any “Player Releases” and “Permissions to Skate”

viii) Attend monthly Executive Meetings



I) Collect and disburse all monies and record all financial transactions by the OGHA

ii) Act as a signatory for OGHA  Authorized cheques 

iii) Ensure all disbursements over $200.00 have prior OGHA Executive Committee approval

iv) Ensure disbursements under $200.00 are brought to the following OGHA Executive committee meeting

V) Review the financial situation of the OGHA regularly and keep the executive committee updated 

Vi) Prepare recommendations for maximizing resources and minimizing expenses on a monthly basis 

vii) Present at general meetings a financial statement  which is in keeping with generally accepted accounting principals

viii) Provide a current financial position statement to each OGHA Executive Meeting

Viiii) Present to first OGHA Executive Meeting following the Annual General Meeting with a proposed budget for the filling year with 



I) Record and preserve minutes of all Executive and OGHA Meetings 

ii) Ensure proper notice of all Meetings to appropriate members 

iii) Deal with correspondence as directed by the President and Executive Committee

iv) Responsible for archives (non-financial) and history

V) Distribute correspondence as appropriate

vi) Transcribe all meeting minutes and make available to all members

vii) Responsible for all OGHA Templates

viii) Will sit on all sub-committees needing minutes

ix) Negotiate all license agreement with third party provider

X) Report all anomalies to the executive (President)


Director of House League

i) Be responsible for the operations of the House League Division

ii) Act as liaison between the executive and house league teams

iii) Assist in co-ordinating equipment requirements for House League teams

iv) Assist in house league coaching interview panel

V) Recruiting potential coaching candidates

Vi) Assist in preparing and distributing team lists and schedules to coaches

vii) Assist in organizing teams taking into consideration player age, caliber, and number of players

viii) Communicate and keep house league coaches informed of all developments pertaining to their teams; Including, but limited to, tournaments, OWHA Rulings, schedules, disciplinary actions, league policies.

ix) Co-ordinate Ice and Referee Requirements

X) Schedule and preside over mid-season meeting with the staff of each house league team 

xi) Such other duties as agreed from time to time with the Executive Board


Ice and Game Official Scheduler

i) Act to ensure even (seasonal average) ice distribution as directed by the OGHA Executive Committee

ii) Maintain Master Ice Scheduler, copy to coaches and Executive

iii) Maintain awareness of ice rentals available in area arenas

iv) Co-operate with OMHA (Orillia Minor Hockey Association) and other ice users in ice exchanges, schedules, etc. whenever possible

v) Ensure coaches are aware of ice schedule changes, trades, and returns

Vi) Attend scheduling meetings as required

vii) Train Time Keepers

viii) Schedule certified referees for all OGHA games, including tournaments

ix) Schedule all time keepers for for all OGHA games, including tournaments

x) Submit reports to OGHA Treasurer for payment of game officials on a bi-weekly basis


Communications Director

I) Act as liaison of any extra-curricular activities beyond the scope of OGHA games & tournaments

ii) Promotion of athlete/coach celebrations and news beyond the scope of the OGHA

iii) Maintain the OGHA social media platforms and OGHA website 

iv) Direct contact for inquiries regarding information shared via website, social media platforms, & executive emails

v) Ensure the integrity of the OGHA is upheld through the promotion and distribution of media content 

Vi) Attend all executive board meetings


Tournament Director

i) Register the Tournament(s) with the OWHA (Ontario Women’s Hockey Association) for sanctioning

ii) Chair the Tournament committee - Committee shall consist of 1-2 parent volunteers from each team. When parent members are unavailable the current executive committee will assume the role of a tournament committee

iii) Assign duties to committee members

iv) Attend OGHA Executive meetings and update executive board on progress of the tournament(s)

v) Maintain financial accounting of the tournament budget and associated expenses

Vi)) At the discretion of the executive, the position can be awarded a monetary honorarium. Upon the honorarium being awarded, the position shall cease to be a voting position on the executive, until the honorarium ends, or until the next AGM. Renewal of the honorarium must be approved on a yearly basis

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