1. This policy establishes the criteria and process for the formation of competitive teams within the OGHA.
2. This policy embodies the principle of association loyalty.
3. Every effort will be made to have teams formed with a minimum of 15 skaters and 1 goalie by the beginning of regular season play. For C level teams, a minimum of 11 Skaters and 1 goalie is required to roster the team. OWHA policy on team composition and numbers shall be adhered to.
4. Players are expected to play within their age level. If a player would like to play at a higher level the OGHA Policy “Playing Up a Division” shall be adhered to.
5. All players attending competitive tryouts will pay a fee as determined each season by the Board of Directors.
6. Returning Player - Players are considered returning if one of the following criteria is met:
7. New Player - Players are considered new to the OGHA if one of the following criteria is met:
8. The OGHA shall form a competitive team for a given division and category if there is sufficient ice, interest and talent among its players to do so, as determined by the Board of Directors in consultation with the Head Coach.
9. Returning players must register online for tryouts in advance and pay the tryout fees in full prior to first tryout.
10. New players trying out for any OGHA Competitive team must register online and pay tryout fees in full prior to first tryout. New players will attend the first session with hard copies of required paperwork (e.g. Permission to Skate/Release) and hand in at the door to OGHA member.
11. The OGHA Competitive/REP Tryout Policy and Procedure shall be followed by all team staff, evaluators and players.
12. The selection of teams shall be monitored by OGHA Director of Rep and the OGHA President.
13. In those situations where a parent coach has been selected for a competitive team, the Director of Rep has made an assessment in advance that the Head Coach’s daughter would be appropriately placed on that level of team. However, there are no guaranteed roster spots for any child of a named coach.
14. All rosters (Players, Asst. Coaches, Bench and On-ice staff) will be vetted and approved by the Board prior to the Registrar rostering the team.
15. If any disagreement arises between coaches, parents or players regarding this policy, the OGHA Board of Directors has the authority to intervene to uphold the intent of this policy.